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Via Cavour 21 Red

+39 055 218 977

Florence Tours is a tourist agency (affiliated with a tour operator) that sells and organizes bike tours, guided tours in the historic center of Florence, and guided visits to museums and churches in Florence and Tuscany. Florence Tours provides tours with authorized guides in the following languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Romanian, and Turkish. Florence Tours will gladly provide you with a detailed explanation of all available tours in order to help you find the tour that best suits your needs. Also, Florence Tours provides city and mountain bikes for rent for those wishing to explore the city on their own.

Organic Pasta Cooking


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Semiprivate tour


Do you want to try an exciting, involving and new experience in order to discover the secrets of homemade pasta and its ingredients in only few hours?

The cooking class will begin with the explanation of different types of flours and two organic homemade pasta types and its dough preparation. In other words, you will learn how to prepare the Tuscan tagliatelle and tortelli with the delicious ragù sausage.

You will eat two types of pasta: the first in the kitchen with the chef and the second in the restaurant accompanied by a good glass of wine.


  • • Cooking Class

  • Lunch with a glass of wine


150 per person


Start: 16. 00 pm

Duration: 2h 30’

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