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Via Cavour 21 Red

+39 055 218 977

Florence Tours is a tourist agency (affiliated with a tour operator) that sells and organizes bike tours, guided tours in the historic center of Florence, and guided visits to museums and churches in Florence and Tuscany. Florence Tours provides tours with authorized guides in the following languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Romanian, and Turkish. Florence Tours will gladly provide you with a detailed explanation of all available tours in order to help you find the tour that best suits your needs. Also, Florence Tours provides city and mountain bikes for rent for those wishing to explore the city on their own.

Pisa Morning

Pisa Morning



Pisa is one of the most visited cities in Tuscany and it is famous for its Leaning Tower. The beautiful Piazza dei Miracoli is among the most beautiful monumental complexes in the world. The town’s most prosperous period was undoubtedly the 12th century and this is witnessed by the urban shape of the old town centre with many buildings, squares and alleyways that run along the river Arno, which was for centuries the major communication route. It has always been an estuary town and was already an important naval base in Roman times intensifying trade in the Mediterranean. Pisa is also famous for one of the most prestigious higher learning institutions of Europe: the Scuola Normale Superiore. An authorised city guide will accompany you in the visit of the interior of the Cathedral and the exterior of the Leaning Tower and Monumental Cemetery. At the end of the tour you will also have free time to wonder in the square and take plenty of pictures.


• Travel by GT coach or minivan with air conditioning

• Expert multilingual escorts

• Guided Tour of Pisa


• Guided Tour of Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa

• Chance to take the iconic picture with the Leaning Tower

 Availability and Languages:

Available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

[English;Spanish] Every day

[Italian] Saturday and Sunday


  • €85 ALL INCLUSIVE PISA TOUR including local guide in Pisa, Cathedral and Leaning Tower tickets

  • €55 EASY PISA TOUR including local guide in Pisa and Cathedral tickets

  • €38 SEMI INDEPENDENT PISA TOUR without local guide in Pisa and Cathedral tickets

Adults € 59

8-12 € 29.50

4-7 € 29.50

0-3 € 0


Meeting point: Departure time: 08:30 am. ; 2 pm (check in closes 15 min before departure)

Return time: around 02:15 pm. ; 7 pm

Additional information:

reserve tour