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Via Cavour 21 Red

+39 055 218 977

Florence Tours is a tourist agency (affiliated with a tour operator) that sells and organizes bike tours, guided tours in the historic center of Florence, and guided visits to museums and churches in Florence and Tuscany. Florence Tours provides tours with authorized guides in the following languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Romanian, and Turkish. Florence Tours will gladly provide you with a detailed explanation of all available tours in order to help you find the tour that best suits your needs. Also, Florence Tours provides city and mountain bikes for rent for those wishing to explore the city on their own.

The Places of Inferno Tour

The Places of Inferno



“All hope abandon, ye who enter here”...Nine groups, seven sins, and a terrifying secret.   The Inferno tour discovers the places and the mysteries of Dan Brown’s novel, Inferno.  Florence, full of mystery and an unusual atmosphere, was the birthplace of Dante Alighieri, the Great Poet whose writings influenced the novel.  Our tour follows the novel’s main character, Robert Langdon, as he discovers one symbol after the other intertwining science, literature, and art along the way.  During the tour, you’ll discover a transformed Florence and you’ll see a new side of Dante Alighieri as you immerse yourself in medieval Florence.   As you follow Robert Langdon’s path in search of the truth by exploring buildings, galleries, old palaces, and old works of art, you will discover the mysterious past and begin to understand what is hidden within the Inferno.

Availability and Languages

[English] available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays.

Price:  Morning Tour- Adult € 85,00           


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