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Via Cavour 21 Red

+39 055 218 977

Florence Tours is a tourist agency (affiliated with a tour operator) that sells and organizes bike tours, guided tours in the historic center of Florence, and guided visits to museums and churches in Florence and Tuscany. Florence Tours provides tours with authorized guides in the following languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Romanian, and Turkish. Florence Tours will gladly provide you with a detailed explanation of all available tours in order to help you find the tour that best suits your needs. Also, Florence Tours provides city and mountain bikes for rent for those wishing to explore the city on their own.

Tuscany By Bike

Tuscany By Bike


How about a change of scenery?  A little bit of fresh air, a light breeze, and the possibility to see Tuscany from a different perspective.  Ride your bike under the guidance of an expert escort and enjoy this wonderful experience riding across the Florentine countryside.  You will be picked up from the center of Florence and taken to the Florentine Chianti where the adventure will start.  From there, you will ride your bike through beautiful olive groves and past fertile vineyards.  You will see and visit Florentine castles and hillside villa estates until you stop for a light lunch at a local Chianti winery, where you will taste some of the local wines.


•  Minivan transfer from our meeting point to tour departure

•  Bicycle and helmet

•  awesome guide

•  Insurance

•  Helmet & water bottle

•  Light lunch in Chianti estate with wine tasting

 Availability and Languages

[English] Available everyday. 

THE Tuscany by bike tour is only available during the SUMMER SEASON FROM APRIL 1ST- OCTOBER 31ST.

Price: Adult € 150,00      


Meeting point: Via Cavour 21 r

Departure time: 09:00 am (check in closes 20 min. Before departure)

Return time: around 05:00 pm

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