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Via Cavour 21 Red

+39 055 218 977

Florence Tours is a tourist agency (affiliated with a tour operator) that sells and organizes bike tours, guided tours in the historic center of Florence, and guided visits to museums and churches in Florence and Tuscany. Florence Tours provides tours with authorized guides in the following languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Romanian, and Turkish. Florence Tours will gladly provide you with a detailed explanation of all available tours in order to help you find the tour that best suits your needs. Also, Florence Tours provides city and mountain bikes for rent for those wishing to explore the city on their own.

Vespa Panoramic Florence_Italian

Private Tour


Get the ultimate Florentine experience and get around just like the locals but with more style!  Choose a beautiful day to drive around town on a Vespa scooter as you follow a special itinerary selected to offer you the most amazing views of Florence.  The tour starts at the Santa Maria Novella Station, where you will hop on a scooter and proceed to Piazzale Michelangelo, one of the city's most famous spots for sightseeing.  From there, you will admire the a breathtaking view of Florence.  A couple of minutes away, you will find the San Miniato convent, another incredible panoramic spot that is known for its ancient medieval history and its beautiful historic cemetery.  Then, you will head to Fiesole, which is just a few minutes outside the city center.  This small town overlooks Florence and the surrounding hils; from there you can observe spectacular and breathtaking views.  You'll have time to enjoy and take photos of the scenery.  Fiesole is also famous for its ancient Roman history; in fact, it still makes use of an original Roman amphitheatre.  After visiting Fiesole, you will head back to Florence where the trip will conclude at Santa Maria Novella Station.


• Professional tour escort

• Original Vespa scooter (automatic transmission)

• Third-party insurance for civil liability

• Helmet, fuel and taxes


• Drive an original Vespa scooter

Availability and Languages

*drivers must be at list 18 years of age and have a valid driver's licence

 **passengers must be at least 13 years of age)


***A valid driver's licence is required (no motorcycle licence is needed.)  You must be 18 and older to drive or at least 13 to be a passenger.  Previous experience is not required, although highly advised.  We reserve the right to judge the customer's actual driving ability as well as the passenger's self-confidence, and to stop the tour at any point of the tour.  Customers who do not feel confident about riding on their own can ride on an endouble vespa as passengers (no refunds provided in this case).  Our first and foremost concern is everyone's safety.  A third-party insurance for civil liability is included in the price of the tour.

reserve tour

VESPA Panoramic tour